How to make a simple paint application in Adobe Flash - 1
How to make a simple paint application in Adobe Flash - Part 2
How to make a simple paint application in Adobe Flash
In this tutorial I will be showing you how to make a simple paint app in Adobe Flash. For making this simple paint application in flash you need to make 2 files for that.First...
First Hands on Windows 10, Tips and Tricks! Whats New (Beta mode)
Windows 10 will be releasing soon, here is the Preview version of windows 10 and some of the amazing features and tips and tricks on what's new in it.
Hot keys in Command Prompt
To select all - CTRL + A
To find in console dialog - CTRL + F
Amazing Easter Eggs and Ok Google Now voice commands
The Blog is in Beta mode.
"Who Are You?"
Make Me a Sandwich"
"Lions, and Tigers, and Bears..."
What's Your Favorite Color?"
"Beam me up, Scotty!"
"Who's on First?"
What is the Airspeed Velocity of an Unladen Swallow?"
"What is the Nature of the Universe?"
"Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right"
"When Am I?"
"What Does The Fox Say?"
Searching for "askew" or "tilt" using Google will cause the search results to...
How to animate using ActionScript Tweens and Easing Class
Tween Class Code for the 15th Tutorial -
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var Tween_rec:Tween = new Tween (rec, "alpha", None.easeOut , 1 , 0 , 2, true);
// Generally var Tween_variable = new Tween (object_name, "property", None.easeOut, startpos, endpos, number_of_secs,...